Mimas: Privacy and data sharing

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Privacy policy: short version

We will only use your data for two purposes
  1. For conferences to evaluate your submissions and contact you
  2. For running the Mimas system

You may be given options to allow your profile and submissions to be seen by others.

We will not share your data with third parties

Every conference is expected to provide their own statement on privacy and data sharing, submitters will need to agree to these policies on a per confernce basis.

Longer version

This is a minimally viable GDPR statement. If you believe this statement need changing please This statement is intended to satisfy the GDPR requirements but it is also intended to do the right thing. Mimas exists for conference and potential speaker to communicate. Therefore some sharing of data is essential.

Per conference

Each conference is asked to provide its own prcavy and data sharing policy. In submitting to a conference speakers will be asked to agree to the conference data poolicy.


Mimas will share users details with: Mimas operators may on occasions contact speakers, conference organizers and other users. User details will not be shared with any third party - except for public directories.

Mimas is...

Mimas is the creation of Allan Kelly of Software Strategy Ltd. trading as Allan Kelly Associates.

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